
Announcing the 2024 Tech100 Real Estate winners!



The Tech100 Real Estate award celebrates the most innovative and impactful organizations in housing. More than just an acknowledgment; the Tech100 award is a testament to the transformative impact these companies have made, propelling the real estate sector into new realms of efficiency, transparency and accessibility.

Now in its 5th year, the Tech100 Real Estate program provides housing professionals with a comprehensive list of the most innovative and impactful organizations in the industry. The list can be leveraged to identify partners and solutions to the challenges that real estate professionals face every day.

Take a look below to see the full list of this year’s honorees. Congratulations to the 2024 Tech100 Real Estate winners.

Company NameCompany WebsiteMarkets ServedCompany HQ
PayPropus.payprop.com/Real Estate SalesFort Lauderdale, FL
Rentlyuse.rently.com/Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsLos Angeles, CA
Relitixrelitix.com/Real Estate SalesLake Geneva, WI
Redfinredfin.com/Real Estate SalesSeatlle, WA
RealScoutrealscout.com/Real Estate SalesSan Francisco, CA
Real Estate Webmastersrealestatewebmasters.com/Real Estate SalesNanaimo, B.C.
Quantariumquantarium.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsBellevue, WA
Qualiaqualia.com/Real Estate SalesSan Francisco, CA
Purchasing Platformhome.purchasingplatform.com/Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsChicago, IL
PropStreampropstream.com/Real Estate Sales and Single Family Investment and Property Management
Proofproof.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management and Multifamily / CREBoston, MA
PLACEplace.com/Real Estate SalesBellingham, WA
Percypercy.ai/Real Estate SalesBrentwood, TN
RentRangerentrange.com/sdpui/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsAlpharetta, GA
Pacasopacaso.com/Real Estate SalesFully distributed
Opendooropendoor.com/Real Estate SalesSan Francisco, CA
OJOojo.com/Real Estate Sales and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsAustin, TX
Offerpadofferpad.com/Real Estate SalesChandler, AZ
Obieobieinsurance.com/Single Family Investment and Property ManagementChicago, IL
MoxiWorksmoxiworks.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsBellevue, WA
Market Leadermarketleader.com/Real Estate SalesBellevue, WA
Luxury Presenceluxurypresence.com/Real Estate SalesLos Angeles, CA
Lone Wolf Technologieslwolf.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsDallas, TX
Lokation Real Estatelokationre.com/Real Estate SalesPompano Beach, FL
Loftylofty.com/Real Estate SalesPhoenix, AZ
The Agencytheagencyre.com/Real Estate SalesBeverly Hills, CA
Zillow Premier Agentzillow.com/premier-agent/Real Estate Sales
Ylopoylopo.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsVenice, CA
Xomexome.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsDallas, TX
Villa Homesvillahomes.com/Real Estate Sales and Multifamily / CRESan Francisco, CA
VESTAPLUSvestaplus.net/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsBeverly Hills, CA
USHERPAusherpa.com/Loan Origination and CRMDenver, CO
TRIBUStribus.com/Real Estate Sales and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsLouis, MO
Trestle by CoreLogiccorelogic.com/real-estate/multiple-listing-enterprise-solutions/trestle/Real Estate Sales and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsIrvine, CA
Tom Ferry tomferry.com/Real Estate SalesDallas, TX
The Real Brokerageonereal.com/Real Estate SalesNew York, NY
The Corcoran Groupcorcoran.com/Real Estate SalesNew York, NY
The CE Shoptheceshop.com/Real Estate SalesDenver, CO
Livianlivian.com/Real Estate, Coaching & Training, and LeadershipSouth Burlington, VT
Tech Helplinetechhelpline.com/Real Estate SalesOrlando, FL
Tavanttavant.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsSanta Clara, CA
SkySlopeskyslope.com/Real Estate SalesSacramento, CA
Sierra Interactivesierrainteractive.com/Real Estate SalesLouisville, KY
Sideside.com/Real Estate SalesSan Francisco, CA
ShowingTimeshowingtime.com/Real Estate SalesChicago, IL
Roofstockroofstock.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsOakland, CA
Rocket Homesrockethomes.com/Real Estate SalesDetroit, MI
Revive Real Estaterevive.realestate/Real Estate SalesIrvine, CA
Restb.airestb.ai/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsBarcelona, Spain
RentSpreerentspree.com/Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsLos Angeles, CA
Bright MLSbrightmls.com/homeReal Estate SalesNorth Bethesda, MD
Delta Media Groupdeltamediagroup.com/Real Estate SalesNorth Canton, OH
DataTracedatatracetitle.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsAgoura Hills, CA
Curbiocurbio.com/Real Estate SalesPotomac, MD
CubiCasacubi.casa/Real Estate SalesOulu, Finland
Courted.IOcourted.io/Real Estate SalesNew York, NY
CoreLogiccorelogic.com/Real Estate Sales, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsIrvine, CA
Constellation1constellation1.com/Real Estate Sales, Real Estate Data and AnalyticsLaguna Beach, CA
Concierge Auctionsconciergeauctions.com/Real Estate SalesNew York, NY
Compasscompass.com/Real Estate SalesNew York, NY
Cleverlistwithclever.com/Real Estate SalesSt.Louis, MO
CINCcincpro.com/Real Estate SalesAtlanta, GA
CertifIDcertifid.com/Real Estate SalesAustin, TX
Earnnestearnnest.com/Real Estate SalesGreenville, SC
Box Brownieboxbrownie.com/Real Estate Sales, Real Estate Investment and SFR and Multifamily / CRESunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
BOSSCAT Home Services and Technologiesbosscathome.com/Real Estate SalesCharleston, SC
BoomTownboomtownroi.com/Real Estate SalesCharleston, SC
Bilt Rewardsbiltrewards.com/Single Family Investment and Property Management and Multifamily / CRENew York, NY
Auction.comauction.com/Real Estate SalesIrvine, CA
ATTOMattomdata.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsIrvine, CA
Arturoarturo.ai/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsDenver, CO
AngelAiangelai.com/Loan Origination, Servicing, Title, Closing and QualifyingCerritos, CA
Altos Researchaltosresearch.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsSan Francisco, CA
AgentImageagentimage.com/Real estate advertising ServicesEl Segundo, CA
Aaltoaalto.com/Real Estate Sales, Real Estate Data and AnalyticsSan Francisco, CA
Happy Grasshopperhappygrasshopper.com/Tampa, FLReal Estate Sales
Kiavikiavi.com/Single Family Investment and Property ManagementSan Francisco, CA
Keller Williams Realty Internationalheadquarters.kw.com/Real Estate SalesAustin, TX
Inside Real Estateinsiderealestate.com/Real Estate SalesMurray, UT
ICEicemortgagetechnology.com/Loan Origination, Servicing, Secondary, Appraisal / Valuation, Title, Closing and Real EstateAtlanta, GA
Hubzuhubzu.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsAtlanta, GA
Housefulhouseful.ca/Real Estate SalesAustin, TX
HouseCanaryhousecanary.com/Real Estate Data and AnalyticsSan Francisco, CA
HomesUSA.comhomesusa.com/Real Estate SalesDallas, TX
Homes.comhomes.com/Real Estate SalesRichmond, VA
HomeLighthomelight.com/Real Estate SalesScottsdale, AZ
homegeniushomegenius.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsWayne, PA
Homebothomebot.ai/Real Estate SalesDenver, CO
@propertiesatproperties.com/Real Estate SalesChicago, IL
FundingShieldfundingshield.com/Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsNewport Beach, CA
FoxyAIfoxyai.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsNew York, NY
Form Simplicityformsimplicity.com/Real Estate SalesOrlando, FL
Follow Up Bossfollowupboss.com/Real Estate SalesSan Francisco, CA
First American Title Insurance Companyfirstam.com/title-insurance-and-settlement-services/Real Estate Sales and Multifamily / CRESanta Ana, CA
First American Data & Analyticsdna.firstam.com/Loan Origination and Appraisal / ValuationSanta Ana, CA
Final Offerfinaloffer.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsHingham, MA
eXp Realtyexprealty.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management and Multifamily / CREBellingham, WA
Evocalizeevocalize.com/Loan Origination, MLOs and BrokersSeattle, WA
Equatorequator.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and AnalyticsAlpharetta, GA
Endpointendpoint.com/Real Estate Sales, Single Family Investment and Property ManagementEl Segundo, CA


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